AnyFactory Shopify App Integration
AnyFactory is a Shopify app developed by AnyMind. This Shopify app helps to increase your customers' buying confidence and boost sales.
About AnyFactory:
# AnyFactoryでより最適なパートナーを見つけ、ブランド製造・展開を加速していきませんか? アジア各国の200を超える生産工場と連携しており、作りたいプロダクトに応じて最適な工場をマッチングします。 アジア13ヶ国17拠点に拠点にITビジネスを展開しているAnyFactoryだからこそ、要望に応じた最適な製造拠点の選定から、ECサイトによる販売環境の構築、スケール可能な生産管理体制をサポートしています。 # AnyFactoryの強み * 【最適な工場を探して提案】 AnyFactoryが製品ごとに最適な工場を探し出します。また、専任のコンサルタントが発注要望を聞き、発注に関する煩雑なコミュニケーションを円滑にします。 * 【製品開発から販売支援まで全サポート】 最適な製造拠点の選定だけでなく、仕様書やロットの調整、生産拠点の多角化、物流支援など必要に応じたご支援が可能。 *...Most of the apps on Shopify's app store are relatively easy to integrate. And so is this Shopify app.
How to install AnyFactory app?
To install the app, you simply need to go to Shopify App Store and find this app with keyword AnyFactory. After that you must click onto Add app to, type your store URL and the app will get installed upon confirmation.
How to uninstall AnyFactory app?
To uninstall the app, you simply need to go to, find to AnyFactory app and click the garbage can to uninstall this app.
If you have difficulty installing the AnyFactory app or want advanced customization then Hura Apps team - a Shopify expert is right here to help you set up for your success in no time.
We'll help you install and set up the app you want from scratch to a completely working structure that is ready to use for you.
We support:
- Safely install/uninstall AnyFactory app
- Integration with any Shopify theme as per specification
- Configurations & setup
- Troubleshoot and fix issues
Hura Apps is a Vietnam-based Shopify development team.
We have over 10 years of experience with Shopify. With the top skilled developers, we have done many projects for clients worldwide with high quality, on time and budget.